gernick92's Equipment

Displaying 1 - 18 of 18
Ball Coverstock Core Layout Notes
Storm Golf Ball Golf Ball Ultra Clear PolyesterPolyester HexSymmetric

gifted by a member

not redrilled yet

Tropical Storm Yellow / Silver Tropical Storm (various colors) Reactor PearlPearl Reactive CamberSymmetric


going to be Kerbe 3

Hammer Viral Solid Viral Solid Violent Flip SolidSolid Reactive VibeSymmetric


Hammer Purple Pearl Urethane Purple Pearl Urethane Urethane PearlUrethane Pearl LEDSymmetric


Roto Grip Hot Cell Hot Cell RadioactiveUrethane Solid NucleusAsymmetric

thumb angles are most likely off, but same as Conspiracy

Roto Grip Haywire Haywire 80H MicroBiteSolid Reactive Middle Roll 70Symmetric

trusty solid loved it but it's done, sweating oil after a few shoots, replaced with Idol

Hammer Arson High Flare Arson High Flare Max-Hook PearlPearl Reactive Modified Arson 2Symmetric
Roto Grip Nomad Dagger Nomad Dagger Ultra Vision HybridHybrid Reactive RotarySymmetric

spareball from 2016-2021

nickname: Kerbe (German for cut, nick, score) because I get a lot of them them when I shoot it at a 10 pin on a left lane on a Brunswick GSX

Storm Pitch Black Pitch Black Controll Solid UrethaneUrethane Solid CapacitorSymmetric

plugged thumb because it was gifted to me by a former one-handed now two-handed member

Thumb to a smudge to big

Storm Torrent Torrent R2S SolidSolid Reactive Booster HVSymmetric

spareball since 2021

nickname: Kerbe 2 (German for cut, nick, score) because I get a lot of them them when I shoot it at a 10 pin on a left lane on a Brunswick GSX

best fit

Hammer Purple Pearl Urethane Purple Pearl Urethane Urethane PearlUrethane Pearl LEDSymmetric

best fit

thumb insert came loose first time in Wilhelmshaven 2023, then in League play Delmenhorst 2024, got pulled and reglued by Jamie, but didn't fit the same anymore... :(

Storm Night Road Night Road ReX PearlPearl Reactive Inverted Fe2Symmetric

Thumb to big (63/64")

Roto Grip IDOL Pearl IDOL Pearl eTrax-P18Pearl Reactive IkonSymmetric

best fit

Roto Grip IDOL IDOL MicroTrax-S18Solid Reactive IkonSymmetric

needs replacement ASAP

Roto Grip RST X-2 RST X-2 eTrax Plus PearlPearl Reactive Roto Star Tour (RST)Asymmetric

Thumb to big (63/64")

Radical Conspiracy Conspiracy Forged 2 SolidSolid Reactive ConspiracyAsymmetric

thumb angles are most likely off

Radical Zing! Pearl Zing! Pearl Forged 2 PearlPearl Reactive Zing!Asymmetric

very tricky reaction, didn't like it

Radical Katana Slash Katana Slash Forged 2 HybridHybrid Reactive KatanaAsymmetric

love it, felt like cheating throwing it