Terms and Conditions

Welcome to bowwwl.com!

These terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations for the use of bowwwl's Website, located at https://www.bowwwl.com.

By accessing this website we assume you accept these terms and conditions. Do not continue to use bowwwl.com if you do not agree to take all of the terms and conditions stated on this page.

Turbo Grips

Developed as the original 2-N-1 Grip in 1989, the Turbo brand has grown to become one of the best and most innovative companies in the bowling industry. Turbo is respected worldwide as a company committed to giving back to the community, and improving the sport on all levels with top quality grip and accessory products; and exceptional service to distributors, pro shops, and bowlers everywhere.

Why bowwwl?

I created bowwwl.com as a place to share resources with the bowling community. As a website developer, my development and marketing skills are the best way to give back. The goal of this site is to be a trusted source on the web ("world wide web", hence the www in bowwwl) to connect bowlers and others in the industry with the resources they need.